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Cake Recipes

Cherry Cake

  • A simple sponge full of delicious cherries that makes an ideal teatime treat for the family


    6oz/175g natural glace cherries
    4oz/125g self.raising flour, sifted
    3 oz/75g.plain flour, sifted
    3 tbsp/45ml cornflour
    rind of 2 oranges
    6oz/175g caster sugar
    6oz/ 759g margarine
    3 eggs, lightly beaten
    caster sugar, to sprinkle
    6 glace cherries, halved angelica, to decorate


    Preheat oven to Mark 4/350'F/180'C.
    Grease and line tin. Wash cherries and pat dry on kitchen paper cut in half.
    Place flours in a bowl and stir in cherries and orange rind
    In a separate bowl, beat together sugar and fat intil light and fluffy
    Beat in eggs gradually, adding a little of the flour after each addition to avoid curdling.
    When all the egg has been incorporated, carefully fold in the rest of the flour containing the cherries and rind
    Spoon mixture into prepared tin ensuring the cherries are evenly distributed.
    Using a spatula, smooth out top, and form a slight dip in the middle.
    Cook In centre of oven for 1 hour. Cover with roil after 20 minutes to prevent burning.
    Cook until a skewer inserted in centre comes out clean.
    Remove from oven and let stand for 5 minutes. Turn out onto a wire rack and cool.
    Sprinkle with caster sugar, and decorate with the cherries and angelica.

